Worship Ministry
Jade Flynn
Worship Leader

Jade Flynn is our Worship Pastor and has been since 2010. Her and her husband have been married since 2002 and have 4 children. Jade has been at RFA since 1988. She was in Children’s Church, Missionettes as a child, and in the youth group as a teen. As an adult she has been a Sunday School Teacher, Missionettes teacher, in Nursery Ministry, and helps with the youth group. We are blessed to have a women like Jade who is truly gifted and a woman of God.

Praise Team
Our Praise team is made up of two different departments, choir and media.
We have musicians and singers from all different backgrounds. They sing a wide range of music from the old time hymns to some of the newest songs on Christian Radio. The goal of the Praise Team is to worship freely and usher in the Spirit of God during our services.

Media Department

The other part to our Praise Team is our media department. This group of all ages is our behind the scenes workers. They do a wide range of things from sound, and video slides, to camera work and social media. This team works hard to make sure our services sound and look great.