Check Out What God Has In Store For You...

What to Expect

You’ll find a warm and welcoming environment where an array of dress styles can be found. You will see everything from jeans to business attire. We want you to feel comfortable in whatever you choose to wear so the focus may be on the message of Christ’s love for you.

We have age specific and group specific services for children, from birth through 12 years of 

age at the Sunday morning service. Birth to two on Sunday Evenings. Wednesday evening services from birth through high school.

Wheelchair seating is available in our auditorium. For specific locations, please ask an usher or one of our greeters as you enter.

Join one of our ministries

Our Location

250 Rogersville Rd.
Radcliff, Kentucky 40160

For More Info

If you have questions, concerns or just need more info, please fill out the form below. If you need prayer for yourself or a loved one, we’d be happy to pray for your needs. Just leave us a message with this form and we’ll do the rest.

Our Church
Women's Ministry
Youth Group