Sunday School
Luke 10:19-Jesus gives us the assurance that He has given us the power to overcome all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall harm us.

Wanda Brakebill
Sunday School Surperintendent

Wanda Brakebill is our Sunday School Superintendent. Her and her husband Gary have been married for over 32 years. They have five grown children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Wanda has been at RFA since 1978. She has been a Sunday School teacher of several age groups, cleaned the church, youth leader, Missionettes teacher, and held the position of Women’s Ministry President. Currently Wanda is Head Elder with her husband and has been Sunday School Superintendent for several years. We are blessed to have Wanda as our Sunday School Superintend with her passion to teach about our last days and what God expects from us.