Young Ladies

Available to girls 3 years old to 18 Our Missionettes ministry works to reach the girls with the love of Christ. To build them into successful young ladies eager to share the love of Christ with others.

Gloria Grubbs
Missionettes Coordinator

Gloria Grubbs is our Missionettes Coordinator and has been since 2009. Her and her husband got married in 1970. They have three biological daughters, fostered several children, and have adopted 6 special needs children. The two of them have been at RFA since 1982 and her husband is retired military. Gloria was a Missionettes teacher long before she became coordinator. She has been Kitchen Coordinator and Church Decorator. Now she is involved in the Nursery Ministry and Women’s Ministry and participates in our Women’s Sunday School class. We are blessed to have a woman like Gloria who has such a big heart for children and RFA.