Men’s Ministry
Lee Williams
Director of
HonorBound Men’s Ministry

Lee Williams is the Associate Pastor of RFA as well as the Director of the HonorBound Men’s Ministry. Him and his wife Dotty have been married for . They have three married children and eleven grandchildren. Lee is a Vietnam Veteran and retired from the United States Army after twenty years of faithful service. He has worked in Men’s Ministry for over 30 years and takes great pride in helping men develop relationships, not only with God, but also with each other.

Our Honorbound Men’s Ministry meets each month on the third Thursday night for dinner at 6:30pm. There is always great laughs, an inspiring message, and of course good food! It’s a great way for men to build friendships with each other and to be encouraged about standing for the Lord in an ever-increasing darkened world. So, come out and join us! You can check out the calendar to find our next men’s meeting.

We also meet every Sunday Morning at 9:30am for our Men’s Sunday Discipleship class. This class is for men only. We study Biblical courses that challenge us to be better Men, Husbands, and Fathers. We have great discussions as well as coffee and donuts.